Halong Bay
Yen Ngua Islet: Guide to Saddle-shaped Islet in Halong Bay

Yen Ngua Islet: Guide to Saddle-shaped Islet in Halong Bay

What to Do in and around Yen Ngua Islet

Rachel Tran Rachel Tran | Updated December 23, 2021

Halong Bay, a world natural heritage in the northeast of Vietnam, has a large system of limestone caves and islands. This bay is like a legend because each islet and each cave there have its own stories hidden behind the mysterious appearance. Not only that, Halong Bay is also the home for plenty of unique islets and other landforms, one of which is Yen Ngua Islet. If you have a chance to visit Halong Bay, you should not miss a trip to this site.

Highlights of Yen Ngua islet

I. Highlights of Yen Ngua Islet

Yen Ngua Islet is located in the central area of Halong Bay. Yen Ngua Islet is more than 10 meters in height, and like thousands of islands in Halong Bay, Yen Ngua Islet is a limestone one. This islet is named after its highlight characteristic: its unique shape. From afar, Yen Ngua Islet looks like a saddle with two peaks, one is higher and the other is lower. Under the foot of Yen Ngua Islet is a small tunnel, and when the tide is completely out, small boats can sail through.

While some people think that this islet is like a saddle, others suppose this islet is in the shape of a sewing machine. Whatever shape it is, Yen Ngua Islet is still one of the exclusive islets in Halong Bay, which is often chosen as a stop of many cruises visiting this heritage.

Through millions of years, the impacts of nature have left its marks on the rocky cliffs of Yen Ngua Islet. The limestone mountain is eroded by the rain and sea water, creating a unique shape of Yen Ngua Islet. Many visitors coming to this islet often choose to explore the area by hiring a small boat or kayak and sailing around to admire the beauty of nature.

II. How to Get to Yen Ngua Islet?

In fact, there is no tour in Halong Bay with Yen Ngua Islet in its itinerary. Therefore, if you want to contemplate the unique beauty of this islet, you are suggested to hire a private ship if your group has more than 20 people.

The cruise ships visiting Halong Bay usually depart at Tuan Chau and Bai Chay tourist wharfs. You can book the tour in advance or buy a ticket to visit Halong Bay at these spots. There are two offers for your journey: a day trip and an overnight tour. The day trip is better for visitors who do not have much time for their journey, and an overnight tour is the most suitable for tourists who want to admire and experience the nightlife of Halong Bay.

Best time to visit Yen Ngua islet

III. Best Time to Visit Yen Ngua Islet

The weather in Halong Bay in general is quite nice almost all the time of the year. Tourists often choose to visit Halong Bay in early summer from March to June and late autumn from September to November. During these times, Halong Bay is relatively crowded, so you need to book your tour and some services in advance. A lot of visitors consider these months to be the most suitable time to visit Halong Bay.

Besides, in case you want to visit Halong Bay without spending too much money on accommodation and services, going on a trip in July and August might be a good choice for you. Though these months are the stormy season in the Gulf of Tonkin, there are still some fine days for you to enjoy your trip. The hotels and cruises are not too crowded during stormy season, so this is a chance for you to enjoy the peaceful moments in Halong Bay.

IV. Extra Tips

There are some extra tips for you so that you can visit Halong Bay and Yen Ngua Islet in convenience:

  • Watching the weather forecast before starting your trip to Halong Bay will help to make the best preparation. Going on a nice day will allow you to take part in more interesting activities there.
  • Yen Ngua Islet is not as popular as other islets and islands in Halong Bay, so some cruises might get rid of this destination from their itineraries. If you want to visit Yen Ngua Islet, don’t forget to tell the ship owner before starting your trip.
  • Comfortable clothes are the best choice for you to participate in outdoor games as well as to move around.
  • You should follow the instructions of the tour guide during the journey to ensure your safety when going on a boat.
  • Don’t forget to protect the environment as well as the unspoilt beauty of Halong Bay.

Yen Ngua Islet is a masterpiece of the Creator for millions of years. This unique islet has contributed to the exclusive appearance of Halong Bay to diversify the limestone topography of this heritage. In spite of the effects of weather, Yen Ngua Islet always stands still like a symbol in the northeast sea of Vietnam.


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