Nha Trang
Travel Guide to Vinpearl Land Nha Trang, Vietnam

Travel Guide to Vinpearl Land Nha Trang, Vietnam

Youth Paradise in Nha Trang for All the Young and Energertic Minds

Rachel Tran Rachel Tran | Updated October 22, 2020

Nha Trang is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Vietnam. It is an energetic city with a noticeable pace of developing. Therefore, it is understandable to say that: Nha Trang is a city of youth. And, one thing that can be called the symbol of Nha Trang, one of Nha Trang’s most favorite destinations, is definitely, Vinpearl Land Nha Trang.

Location: Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang Bay, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa
Opening hours: 8:30 a.m - 9 p.m
Ticket price (include fee of all games and cable car going in, out Vinpearl Land): 
800.000 VND (~$40): people over 1.4m
700.000 VND (~$30): people under 1.4m
Free for people under 1m

Located in one of the world’s 29 most beautiful bays, Vinpearl Land Nha Trang is undeniably a world-class entertainment paradise. This place has also been awarded by Vietnam Tourism Association as the most attractive entertainment area in Vietnam. Therefore, apparently, it would be a loss if visiting this place is not mentioned when referring to best things to do in Nha Trang.

Vinpearl land nha trang at night

In Vinpearl Land, everything is unforgettable. At tourists’ very first step in entering Vinpearl Land, they will be surprised by the guest transporting system of this place.  Possessing the second longest cable car across the coast in the world (3320 metters), Vinpearl Land has utilised it as the most interesting guest transporting system.

From the cabin car’s point of view, you will be able to admire the remarkable beauty of Nha Trang’s coastal scenery, admire the creativity of Mother Nature as well as artificial force. With tourists’ very good first impression on the transporting system, together with  a wide range of games (which undoubtedly rock!), Vinpearl Land – Vinpearl Amusement Park is likely to satisfy any people of any interest.

What to do in Vinpearl Land nha trang

Structure of Vinpearl Land Nha Trang

After reaching Hon Tre Island, where Vinpearl Land situates, visitors will find a map showing all of this place’s numerous destinations near the main gate (this numerosity, in fact, can be quite confusing for first-time visitors, in my opinion). However, overall, there are 06 must- visit areas in this amusement park: The Outdoor Game Area, The Indoor Games Area, The Water Park, The Aquarium, King’s Garden and the Performance Area. 

1. The Outdoor Game Area – Paradise For Hunters Of Thrilling Feeling

The Outdoor Game Area in Vinpearl land nha trang

First, about the Outdoor Game Area, most Vinpearl’s visitors choose this place as their first and favorite destination (that is the reason why in the peak reason, you may only be able to play each game once as the waiting time it takes to play each game is so long.) This Area contains hundreds of thrilling games which can challenge any visitors’ couragement.

From the most light-hearted ones to the most adventurous ones, these games offer visitors the “flying” feeling of different levels. For first-time players, I suggest trying bungee jumping, swings or so on first. These less thrilling games will help you decide whether you should try the next more adventurous ones then. 

A small note:

Each adventurous game will have its own limitation on players. However, overall, these games will not serve little children or people with health problems. Then, what games can these two types of visitors play? This is the reason why we have:

2. The Indoor Game Area – Children’s Paradise

The indoor area Vinpearl land nha trang

The Indoor Game Area is situated inside the artificial mountain. This area provides players places for enjoying 4D movies, some familiar kid games like electric cars, electronic game machines or so on. If you go with your little children, this place will be a paradise for you! 

A small tip:

This place, as well as the Aquarium, in my opinion, are the two perfect places for lunch break if you plan to be in Vinpearl Land for one day. As Vinpearl Land prohibits bringing outside food, you can purchase some food at the stalls in Vinpearl Land Nha Trang. (Breaking at these stalls is good, too, but this will turn out to be a nightmare if you go in the Summer, in which the outside temperature can reach over 40 Celcius degrees.)

3. The Water Park – Where All Families’ Members Can Play Together

The water park in Vinpearl land nha trang

After trying both these two Game Areas, the next most-choose part would be the Water Park. This is also the area in which visitors spend their largest amount of time.

Overall, games in Water Park can be divided into two main types: The less active ones and the adventurous ones (which is, in fact, make up for the main part of this Park’s games).

Game in Vinpearl land nha trang

For adventurous games, there are a plethora of slides with different heights and shapes, all of which have water inside. The water will “push” the players down, allowing them to enjoy various levels of “falling”feeling. These feelings, though can be scary at the very first try, become addicted later on. (The only annoying problem with these games is: as these slides all have marked heights, each time you want to try one game, you will have to climb hundreds steps to reach each slide ‘s entrance.)

For the less active games, the least dangerous game in this Water Park may be the “Lazy River”, which is actually a quiet “river” flowing around the Park. This “river” will be suitable for little children visitors, visitors with health problems or ones wanting to try the “peaceful” games before or after enjoying a number of thrilling ones. Interestingly enough, this Water Park is the only one in Vietnam owning a part of the coastal line, which means visitors can enjoy not only the Water Games inside the Park but also the ones ON the sea (water motorbike, kayaks,…). (These games’ playing fee is not included in the Park’s entrance ticket price, however.)

A small note:

Remember to bring your swimsuit!

4. Aquarium – Try The Feeling Of Being Into The Sea

Aquarium in Vinpearl Land Nha Trang

This place is the most amazing area I have ever seen! Entering the Aquarium is similar to entering the Undersea World. All the tunnels will be surrounded by fish tanks, which makes you feel like you are IN THE MIDDLE of the sea with numerous colorful creatures being around.

It is undeniable that the inland world is nothing compared with the undersea one when it comes to the creature diversity. Hardly can any normal person know more than 5 types of fishes living in this Aquarium. This place will certainly let you go from one surprise to another one as right after you come into the Aquarium, you will be overwhelmed by the undersea world’s beauty. It is breathtaking and indescribable! 

Some small notes:

  • Do not miss the ten- minute“Little Mermaid” show, which happens from 11h and 15h daily
  • You can observe all the Aquarium’s creatures being at one place if you can watch the 15-minute “Feeding Scene” taking places daily at 10 a.m and 5 p.m

5. King’s Garden – The Only Zoo On The Sea

King’s Garden in Vinpearl Land

This is the first and has been the only zoo in Nha Trang- a coastal city. With an enormous scale, wandering around this “garden” is somehow like wandering around the world.

First, after entering this animal world, you will immediately find the Flamingo areas and be allured by its significant pink colour. These creatures are so adorable that not only Vietnamese, who can hardly see a flamingo in their lives (flamingo is not a usual bird in Vietnam), but also foreign visitors, who may see them several times, can be in love with them.

Right next to these gentle birds’ areas is the bird’s kingdom. You can find roughly every kind of rare bird in Vietnam here: the gorgeous peacocks, colorful and noisy Macaw parrots, the bravery eagles, the silly Tucan,… All these beautiful birds from various places in the word now gather together, making the most interesting scene ever. Certainly, any single person who has come here for the first time will be deeply impressed by this kingdom of birds. It is like losing in the forest of Walt Disney’s Blue parrot!

A small note:

Remember, you should never miss the priceless chance of enjoying the 20 minute Birds Performance started daily at 11:30 a.m and 3:30 p.m.

Roaming around King’s Garden, you will also have the feeling of losing in an African forest. You will find a variety of animals here, even the rare ones. Bengal tigers, African lions, rhinos, hippos, zebras, and so many other animals that hardly have anyone seen in their life. Interesting enough, Vinpearl Land not only feeds but also conserves these rare animals. Therefore, sometimes, visitors may even see some cubs lying next to their mothers. In order to protect visitors as well as these rare animals, a layer of tempered glass is put around these animals’ living areas. However, the interesting point of this glass is that: tourists can have the “realest” photos of these animals but are still in safety.  

A small note when you visit the hoof areas:

  • As these animals (zebra, giraffe, and so on) are not too dangerous, visitors can feed them with fruit or carrots. However, to make sure about your feeding stuff as well as your right to feed, you should ask the guard being near these areas first.
  • Finally, before leaving King’s Garden, please remember to visit the Primate area. Watching these creatures swing, tumble as well as make fun of each other will absolutely be one of your impressive experiences.

6. Performance Area – Nice Ending Of An Energetic Day

Performance Area in Vinpearl Land

This area is only open from 19h to 19h25 daily for Water Dance Performance. This Performance is the combination of the water’s movement, the music and the colorful light.

If you have never watched a Water Dance Performance before, this Performance would interestingly give you a first memorable experience. Sitting in the silent dark while enjoying this show would be an ideal way to end up a busy day immersing in Vinpearl Land.

In Vietnam, Vinpearl Land Nha Trang can be considered as the “King” of Amusement Park. Visit it once and then you certainly cannot help visiting it twice. Vinpearl Land offers you a wide range of choices and feelings. Therefore, finding a visitor who is not satisfied with this Park would be a daunting challenge for anyone.


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